Geeth’n’Gow, Devil’s Club — Oplopanax horridus

We ventured out into the forest on the new moon in October, when the roots are most full of energy. Megan was shown this place through a dream, and only after giving offerings for many years did this medicine then allow her to harvest and work with it. She has been taught that only when Geeth’n’Gow (Haida Gwaii name) reveals itself to you through the dream world may you then work with it as medicine. Its spirit and power certainly isn’t to be taken lightly, one must be in right relationship with it, a very powerful being it is. I find the medicine to be masculine in nature. There are many stories of Geeth’n’Gow taking the voice, paralyzing one for a time, and causing intense pain akin into endless spines puncturing your flesh if you do not respect him in a good way. This really only happens if you try to steal his power, if you try to extract all of his essence purely for self gain, if you are not utilizing his strength to empower your own source connection with loving intentions; through a place of being in alignment to self and of service to the world, then he is a powerful ally when treated with such deep respect. 

We give many offerings, including salmon which nourish the forests of the Pacific Northwest, the bears pull them deep into the forest to feed all who dwell there. There are often salmon bones in the soil when one harvests Geeth’n’Gow. We open with a tobacco pipe ceremony in which I partake, which deeply imbues our prayers and offerings into the tobacco and transforms them through smoke and fire. It diffuses our intentions directly into the spirit world to be received and perceived, such that our spirits are known and may clearly dance with the spirits of this place. Immediately after this, the energy in the forest begins to change, it is very noticeable and the winds begin to blow with a curious quality. The winds are steady at first but grow progressively stronger; it was absolutely still at the beginning of the day, but the trees are creaking loudly an hour later, and we hear crash after crash nearby, the trees are falling and yet there are also other indescribable loud crashing sounds in the distance. People later swore that they kept seeing bears in their peripheral vision, though they saw something else moving quickly in the fleeting glances too…, the Sasquatch make their home here in these forests, and a remarkable clarity and power undeniably permeated every inch of that special forest where this powerful medicine resides.

The Geeth’n’Gow is everywhere, an amazing community of connected beings, it is dense and vast and dominates the entire landscape. Stalks shoot into the sky, spikes extend in every direction from their core, the spikes even cover their enormous leaves. Just the sight of them commands respect, clearly a powerful spirit possesses this physical form. I go and sit with one that calls to me, I drop into a clear and still connection. Then for a brief moment I open my eyes to find a wasp on my jacket which I am deeply stirred by and made very uncomfortable by as well. Above all other creatures on this planet I have the greatest fear of wasps, mostly due to many childhood traumas. I often react without the most logical choices when confronted with them, to put it gently. I am forced to marshal all of my willpower to be with it, and it is looking directly at me, no doubt about it. I choose to close my eyes and take it as a sign, remembering that when in communication with the spirit world everything is a synchronicity and must be taken as such. I go to the spirit world in a meditation journey and find Geeth’n’Gow completely enraptured with wasps. Wasps are powerful and they strongly defend their home, they're full of energy, and all beings pay their respects to the small but mighty wasp, careful to not incur their wrath. The winds are very very strong now, Megan is rounding everyone up, there is still more medicine to be harvested but the intensity of the energy is at a breaking point and it is time for us to go. I feel the wasp is an incarnate agent of the spirit of Geeth’n’Gow, yet I doubt my intuitive experience and so I ask for a clear sign to help guide my limited intuitive knowing. The wasp tries to climb further up my body and so I offer it my hand where it happily stays, even while I get up. I feel clear and strong, I am centered and I can see clearly and I feel deeply empowered in my own strength. It is time to leave the forest, the spirits guide our ability to be here and harvest, and the energy in the space tells us when we must depart as well. In my meditation I ask for a sign, for clarity and truth, I share how I am a human who does not always understand the subtle, the green tongue, the ways in which spirit communicates. I ask for blatant and straightforward clarity informing me if I am indeed sharing with the spirit of Geeth’n’Gow, if my journey into the spirit world is genuine and not my imagination. I pray for a sign to show me that magic is real, a token of proof such that my faith is able to continue trusting and growing ever stronger.

I am fully with the wasp in this moment, wondering if it will stay as I get up or if it will be angered by my movement. As such my attention is split between this and the world around me. I begin walking toward the group, I look up to the trees and somehow I know before it even happens, a giant dead tree begins to snap in half and come crashing down. I swiftly move out of the way and avoid it, there is time, I am somehow moved, guided, and protected. It slowly happens to allow me to engage in a safe way, yet I must move swiftly to not be crushed. I am curiously aware and unafraid and instantaneously respond to a great and sudden change of life’s circumstances, there is power that helps me do this that is not mine alone. As this instantaneous reactive experience passes, Megan shouts and points behind me and I must navigate myself again as another dead tree comes falling down towards me. Again I am not afraid but perhaps it is time to start believing in spirit when it comes, otherwise stronger and stronger signs may become dangerous for my physical being! All the while I am glancing down at the wasp and very much trying to not get stung. It stays exactly as it was…, curious. Afterwards Megan asks me, so what were you praying about? And later she tells me that she was thinking about me exactly in that moment and realizing that I needed to be sent a sign to help me believe that the spirit world is real, and also at that moment everyone was looking for me and all the attention and energy of the entire space was directed towards me. A blessing has been bestowed upon me this day. 

It is a deeply curious process and balance to begin unlearning the beliefs that I unconsciously accept, informed by the world around me through every single experience. To remake my beliefs and intentionally choose what it means to live and be a conscious being in this world is necessary. I suppose it takes a bit of faith at first to begin trusting and living in intuitive experience. But when it really begins happening, it is a ripe opportunity to embrace the reckoning of what it is that you experience and fully let your direct experience resonate as ultimate truth, for what else is there. When undeniable things happen and you are paying attention, those things then require remaking the laws and rules of this reality in which we exist, as experience now informs the reality of life differently. This must be constantly allowed to adapt and adjust based on each new experience that informs what is. It takes a lot of trust and faith especially when the world around you does not support your new truth, but failing to do so serves nothing but a lack of evolution and integration, we are unable to grow as a being and learn what it is that we are here to learn as an embodied spirit living on the earth. It was a truly powerful experience, and the wasp stayed on my hand as I walked out of the forest for over forty minutes until I had to remove it with a bit of force. Wasps do not do this and I take this as an invitation to begin working with the medicine, certainly not yet to harvest it, I was not given that permission, but to begin feeling its spirit with me in my life.

Geeth’n’Gow tastes hot and sharp, it burns the tip of my tongue with pins and needles just as if eating spines. Chewing a tiny bit of raw bark strongly clears stagnation, I spit up much phlegm. The medicine seems to open the heart orifices, all of the portals of perception bringing much clarity of mind and increased energy, a potent adaptogen surely. It is driving and clearing, not allowing any impurities to remain unresolved. At the onset the medicine seems quite hot for me and I need to take care to not drive qi and blood too much. I feel amazingly clear in the mind.

Megan tells us the fall time medicine is better suited to serious cleansing and purging, as the energy is going down and in and is stronger for resolving stuck negative energy. The medicine is often used in depossession work, for clinging energy, attachments and all other things that do not serve that strongly need to be let go with a bit of a forceful hand. It's hotter and stronger, fuck off medicine, to be able to resolve accumulated compensations, convoluted ego, all things that clutter and keep us from being in contact with our original nature when there is excess held somewhere in the being, certainly far more than just the physical. While the springtime medicine is more used to help empower us to shine and glow, to be our best selves, to have the strength and courage to really show up in ourselves. To stand tall, to be in our full power, to know ourselves, our borders and our boundaries of self, here I am standing and being fully embodied and fully in relationship with my gifts and skills. I become radiating empowered authenticity, not needing anything outside of self to deeply know that I am entirely perfect with all of me, and it is most important to show up with all that I am, exactly as I am.

Ancestral clearing work with Geeth’n’Gow

My experience of connecting to Geeth’n’Gow is one of great power and strength, I feel filled up entirely, such that every single inch of me is filled with light and energy, there is radiating truth emanating. It is also stimulating and activating, I am full in my heart space, unapologetically and undeniably present in my awareness of myself. She is a bit sudden and certainly not subtle, a potent plant medicine to help me feel what there is to feel through a full capacity of my senses. I am so filled that absolutely nothing impure can exist in my presence while sharing with the spirit of this beautiful plant. I am pure raw power and strength, there is only true self expressing. I could imagine that if I was not in contact with myself or I was not entirely welcoming or confident in the experience of fully embodying my true self with such intensity, that this medicine could be difficult to be with as I cannot hide from myself in this experience. I personally felt very empowered and I enjoy this medicine much as I crave being me entirely unencumbered by any other unwelcome beings that reside in my vessel or obstruct my capacity for fully being. For me, Lyme disease has been my greatest and yet also most unwelcome gift that I have ever received, my initiation and rite of passage, perhaps it is something that I have asked for indirectly to help me show me myself. My experience of Lyme disease is the obstruction of my capacity of perception, of my ability to be and feel myself fully and to be in relationship to the world around me. It is one of possession, a sensation that there is something else inside me that is getting in the way of my full capacity to simply be. Yet with Geeth’n’Gow I feel able to directly marshal my intention and energy with clarity and clear directed focus of my spirit.

Megan lead us on an ancestral journey with Geeth’n’Gow. I go and I seek out my ancestor and spirit guide Greyga, whom I met in a dream, to be more clearly connected with her. This experience is during our second weekend intensive, and only this same morning with rosemary did I first connect with Greyga in the spirit world. Rosemary very much also facilitates ancestral clearing and reclamation, but in a very different manner. She is more of a conduit and a opener, one who allows the channels to be fully open and subtly weaving remembrance and enlivening old forgotten things, for offering then other entities and spirits to do whatever is needed. I feel Geeth’n’Gow is not the same. Geeth’n’Gow did the work this time, he filled the journey space of my ancestral lineage with his radiating power and light, and just as he fills my physical body with strength that inhibits anything that is not of a clear, pure, and high vibration, so too he fills the realms of my lineage with this cleansing strength. It is strong and powerful and I am just along for the ride. I can hear the drum beat deep inside my being, it permeates and I dissolve into the experience. I am able to clearly orchestrate energy with his help, I have clear capacity to experience the spirit gates of my lineage, remembering that I am the portal. He helps me to be fully open, I can use my intention in a specific and directed way. My felt sense is fully empowered, my visions are flowing out from my felt sense, power filled energy is revealing my visual field, electrical feedback awareness vision. 

My ways of intuitive knowing are predominantly through the felt sense, and if I try to move too quickly to a visual sense within my spirit journey then it becomes false and I am in my imagination instead. I am learning that I personally must continually maintain awareness of my heart space, of an honest heart felt sense of perception that is a felt sense awareness and perception of energy. And when this energy is fully felt and alive it is allowed to flow beyond me and it illuminates my visual field. A slow pervasive energy reveals and paints forms in an energetic landscape, it is as if I am blind and can only see through sensing the energy around me, and through this empowerment via Geeth’n’Gow I am so much more potent in this capacity. As I learned a bit with rosemary, my ancestor Greyga again shows me how my power is in my hands and my connection to my lineage and many of my gifts and skills are blessings from my ancestors, and they manifest and flow forth through my hands. I feel this power in my hands, and my capacity for sensing the world around me is through these contact points. Greyga sweeps and cleans and washes with her raven wings, filling me with the full strength of Geeth’n’Gow, he pours it deeply into my heart and fills me up. Before I mentioned anything to the group of any of my hands revelations, Megan commented on my hands multiple times across the day as she was seeing other people coming through me, she mistook my hands, as well as my whole being, for someone else who was unknown to her, perhaps my ancestors coming through me. I feel this medicine helps me show up in my own journey, to meet the moment fully embodied, to be able to move energy strongly and be unafraid of any dark energy. When I am on my path and I show up for my destiny this medicine is so pleased to be with me in a good way. 

Geeth’n’Gow Personification

Monk warrior, white robes, bare feet and hands, wasp head, white energy, white light surrounding, wood element body shape, strong and fit, monk warrior, still and quiet, only uses strength when needed, deeply self assured, weapon is a wooden staff, can wield energy magic as a force, medical qi gong/direct qi to impact world, walks quietly and soft, is solo, no others around him, male body.

Rite of Passage reflection

The final experience of my plant spirit medicine apprenticeship program with Megan was a rite of passage of intentional prolonged sharing and connection with a singular plant of our choosing. We all gather in the wild, we open a sacred container over the entire land, Megan attunes us each to the central fire and opens our connection with our plant of choice. The fire opens the ceremony and it doesn’t stop burning until it all ends, it is the portal access point of the safe container to each of us across the land. And through the fire Megan is aware of our processes and can help facilitate whatever is needed across the days. Megan takes us out to the space we have chosen, then closes us in, there is a small boundary of plant material on the ground, a ring just large enough to lay down, and there is a door of plant material that one keeps shut. I sat in a large patch of Geeth’n’Gow under a large maple tree. In this space I sit for four days, not leaving the space, just sitting in presence with our plant, praying to creator, praying to the plant, praying for connection. Each day we are brought a large tea of the plant, we also have a tincture. Most people are fasting the entire time, it greatly improves clarity and allows a quick harmony with the state of Gaia. We are only allowed a few possessions, minimal sleeping equipment, the intention is to totally submit to the will of the land, to connect with whatever is. At the end she brings us back in, closes the ceremony, and the fires goes out. Then we feast, it is glorious. The following is my reflection of my connection with Geeth’n’Gow, written at the end of the four days.

Freedom, authenticity, strength, clarity, unapologetic, unavoidable, total presence, awareness, spiritual warrior, monk warrior. Free flow of energy, it fills me completely with my own light, no space for anything else. It teaches how to stand, how to be in my body, in my power, in my temple with truth, integrity, strength and structure, fully embodied. I am unable to passively exist, demands all of self, stand for what’s right, there truly is no other choice. How to show up, responsibility, responsible for our choices, all of them, including non-choices, for there is always a choice, love or fear. To be filled with source qi, an overflowing cup of divine love, flow, power, strength, truth, love, grace, compassion, kindness. I feel the web of life, tuned into all of creation, filled with the light of god, the light of creation. It overflows, illuminates and brings all to the surface, no possibility for fear, then clears all stagnations. Fear easily creeps in when one is confronted with change, and paired mushroom medicine shifts consciousness, it helps to be open and connected while simultaneously loosing control of the known, confronting, fear inducing. There is no fear with Geeth’n’Gow, there is instead strength, but this requires surrender, to not resist the flow, let go into trust, dissolve into the power of the river of life. Total surrender, faith, I believe, magic, trust equals flow. This is it, this is the whole lesson, trust and faith unfolds into flow. Endless power and strength is available, but it’s only accessible when the intention is pure, with clarity and love are at the core, and this alone allows for total flow. Limitless power, I can do whatever I wish, but it only flows when completely rooted in absolute belief in creation, only when intention is in service to the greatest good towards the fullness of life experiencing itself through each being meeting all of what the unfolding moment is asking absolutely. Without this surrender, there is no access to the limitless potential of lifeforce energy; there cannot be even a flickering shadow of a doubt, life requires devotion to love and trust, and in this we are held and taken care of, then anything is possible. I felt so held and safe on the journey, no fears of the dark nor the wild, instead I felt home, allowed to simply be. The only way to heal is through vulnerability, completely open, choose surrender and connection, breathe it all in. Be total strength in self, power, stand in your power, take up space, utterly connected, yet absolutely orienting from profound stillness and receptivity. Kind, loving, compassionate, but total intolerance to any stagnation, anything that is not serving destiny/true path which causes blockage, it then becomes illuminated and must unavoidably be remedied. When filled completely there is no place for energy to get stuck, thus there is no fear of being open and sensitive. I am taught to command my power, grounded in the earth, not holding anything that isn’t mine, nothing that doesn’t serve creation. Energy comes in, is felt, then moves through, being a perceptive clear channel, connection with consciousness, experience as it truly is, fully feel and respond to life as the moment truly is instead of simply reacting to life from a place of ego conditioning, from a limited truth of being, a clouded experience. 

This beautiful plant medicine helps me intentionally seek out all of these blockages that I have collected over the course of my life and meet them with compassion from my higher self. This is what it is to be a spiritual warrior, to seek them out for them to be understood, integrated, and released, and to then ever the more be able to orient from love and original nature. It teaches me how to be in my truth, my essence, my child nature, my true emanation, my vibration before worldly conditioning obstructs pure raw life existence, before protection strategies limit my connection with life. My core wound is one of oversensitivity, of overwhelm, feeling vulnerable, and a subconscious retreat inward trying to protect from this experience which resulted in a blockage of all feeling. This lead to numbness and a total experience of separation from life, isolation, sadness, meaninglessness, and extreme tension of the solar plexus region, the tension being the energy that was required to block my natural perception, to hold in and shut off through closing the portal of connection to the world from this place. This drawing inward tension shifted the seat of consciousness from this place into the mental as my primary seat of consciousness, and a resultant profound disassociation from my body, my vessel of experience. I think this is a common pattern for lots of people in the world today, it’s all just too much, so we draw in and protect our hearts, retreat into the logical, who would want to be in their bodies when there is such disconnection from creation all around us. And in this state there is no way to actually just be, to truly know anything if it isn’t felt, we are feeling beings, and the mind is only a tool of perception our vessel uses to know the world beyond that we are submerged within. 

The mind perceives, but it must always be in service and in connection to the feeling aspects of the self in order to be integrated and reflect meaning and understanding, and not the other way around. Magical interaction flows from this opening, from this free flow of trust and connection, from stillness and single pointed focus of heart intention orienting in alignment to the higher self, it does not come from practicing techniques. All things in their due time, to live without a sense of hurry, be in presence, no unnecessary stress, standing firm in one’s truth and not submitting to the modern world’s agenda. We are here to experience and be totally with the lessons of the moment, it’s not about getting all the stuff done, there will always be more to do. To have clear and open doors of perception connecting to the heavens, yet rooted in intuition, in the body, for the mind to be a conduit of serving embodied integration of meaningful relationship with the world beyond the self, and yet there is no true separation between self and non-self. We are all connected to everything, we are simply a concentrated manifested conglomeration of meaning, we are a density of meaning and consciousness, from our hearts are endless golden threads of connection to all things in the experience field surrounding us, these threads flow until they once again collapse into physical form that we can see and feel. Everything is qi, there is just a concentration gradient of consciousness, we are all creation, we are life, we are god, we are love, we are, we just are. And yet I am me and you are you, unique concoctions of creation, amalgamations of consciousness in temporary fixation, a reflection of duality we are, we come into being for life to know and express it self ever the more through our lives in the endless expressions of the one, and then to remember truth and to return to source. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience, all is vibration. 

Intentional focused sharing of experience with Geeth’n’Gow taught me how to be rooted in my body, to return to my natural seat of consciousness, to be rooted and not disassociated due to fear. It teaches me Qi Gong, yoga, movement, breath, meditation, to to be in command of this vessel, to directly engage with the world through my body with aware intention, no stumbling by aimlessly. Concerning my body pain it teaches me what to do to heal, teaches me of my posture, how to walk in the world, to carry forth my work this life. No caving in, no collapse, demanding aware embodiment, no escape into the mind. No falling forward through life, no dragging the feet, each step in full alignment, deep internal core activation, integrity, weight over the feet, down into the ground, responsive healthy tension shifting and adapting to the unfolding present moment of constant change. This is stance work and grunting from the solar plexus, how to clear stagnation from a shockwave emanation of pure essence, to reclaim sovereignty. 

The plant itself is filled with spikes, is upright, like a balanced and stacked spine, strong in itself, yet is flexible, and yet still gentle, it isn’t out to intentionally harm another. It is held within a criss-crossed network of rhizomes, a resilient community connected to the entire region, and out from this foundation the individual erect stalks of strength grow. It only acts when it is called to do so just like a monk warrior — virtuous, a warrior of the light, of love and truth, no showing off of one’s power, but unquestioningly will act righteously, but only when defending the free flow of energy, in defense of truth. I feel this medicine in my body like radiant lightning energy, charged potential, pure raw qi, ensuring whatever comes in to my being smoothly flows to be known and connected, to be felt and received deep into my heart, but then also moves through fully. There is no place for stagnation, for trauma, for unresolved experiences, when the cup is full and new water is constantly being poured into the vessel. One may experience extreme, challenging, terrible events, but trauma and spiritual scars only remain if fragments of that experience remain in the vessel. By fully processing the experience and moving it through such that only the lesson of the event remains, then there is no residual conditioning, trauma, ego attachment that obstructs experiencing things as they truly are, to then be able to remain open and loving despite having experienced potentially traumatizing events. When in absolute service one is in full clarity, and one may successfully hold singular focused intention that is in alignment to creation, in service, and from here one is able to manifest from this state of consciousness, where intentions impacts reality through the web of all things, this is known as magic.

I become filled, still, aware, clear, then from this place I pray, I speak with creator, not from selfish clouded desires, but from doing my absolute best to meet the moment from a place of responsibility for my actions, of engaging with what is being asked of me, to see it all laid out clearly before me and consciously choose to respond from my highest self. Then I play the flute to broadcast these prayers, the vibration of frequency enabled by my life-breath casts forth my intention to be received by the universe, to then be able to be responded to. The tobacco pipe works in the same way, a holding of intention to then be vaporized and cast forth into the ether. Breath is life, prana, qi that fuels all yang, all life processes. I take this universal energy into my body, borrow it for my being, for my life, share in it and though my voice and flute sounds become an emanation of the intentions I hold. In this state I pray for home, health, guidance, I pray for and offer an exchange, a contract with creator, an absolute willingness to commit to my work and destiny that is being asked of my life above all else, to walk my path, to be in service as a guardian of the earth. This I pray in exchange for health, strength, clarity, and connection. I see my place is to be an earth guardian, to help raise consciousness, existence is a prayer of gratitude to creator when the unfolding moment is met with presence, for in each breath we draw in life itself and continually get to choose the celebration of life itself. We choose to engage with the possibilities and opportunities of soul development in this lifetime, or not, depending upon our intentions. Intentions become beliefs, beliefs become thoughts, thoughts become words, words are spells of intention that ripple through and impact reality. I commit to serving life, and in doing so I will be provided for in total abundance, just show up and be, meet what is being asked of my life and receive all the blessings of the universe. Divine guidance flows only when in complete surrender. It’s not about some otherworldly vision, learn to trust the perception that already is but that which we dismiss. Doubt is the greatest influence causing separation from source, and separation from creator and Gaia is the greatest source of unhappiness and confusion in our world. Sink into the authentic experience of the world and more perception unfolds form that place. Experience, feel consciousness, merge with it, trust your experience, and celebrate this amazing gift.

What is it to be an earth guardian — Intention of my lifeforce

I feel my place among this planet in this lifetime is to simply emanate a field of clear and radiant vibration that transmutes all I come into contact with. It is the energy field of my being that is the medicine I have to share with all my relations. It is my place to build these connections with spirit, to be in abundance, filled, alive, a conduit and a bridge, to cultivate these gifts and remember this core truth of connection that I am deep down, that we all are. The role of the human is to imbue meaning into the world through facilitating connections. To be charged with source qi, strong and full with spirit, to have no need for fear of being overwhelmed by the world because that richness is the exact strength that allows for resilient connections. To witness and recognize, to honor the beauty, for my experience of being to be an invitation to others to meet what is being asked of them, to invite consciousness transformation. That by being on my path I walk in service to help others go the these depths themselves, and remember what it truly is to be alive, the gift of this life, and the fullness of the great mystery. To cultivate my connection to spirit not simply for quenching my curiosity of the unknown, but to be connected to the fabric of consciousness to be always guided, to receive wisdom, to learn to develop into my highest expression of self, and to then be in the greatest service by my vibration sharing positive transformative energy with all those around me. This is what its to be an earth guardian, to uphold the sanctity of life, to resist negative influences that stagnate or restrict the flow, to all that impedes the ever changing light of creation in its infinite permutations. To help others also feel this universal connection to source and the strength and courage to step into the darkness, see what is inhibiting fullest connection, meet it, understand it, do the work, be uncomfortable to then integrate the blockages and be ever the more in clear connection and celebration of life. This is the work, the art of living and dying each day, and I welcome it fully, may I dissolve into complete abandon of anything that doesn’t serve the development of greatest alignment and the unfolding of my highest self, to be in greatest service to creation. To experience non-ordinary states of reality to become submerged in the truth of life, before all the conditioning, able to see beyond habituated patterns and reactions, and into the fullness, to be a messenger of creation through my field as I share with others. To share my vibrational message of trust, trust into magic and the wonder of life, and the release into the raging current, wild abandon of the known, of control in order to be in the flow, to follow the golden threads of divine guidance always. I have no idea where my life is going and I couldn’t be happier, but I am choosing to seek for and follow the guidance where it comes. At the end of one golden thread of connection there are always threads that carry me forth onto the next. There is no need for fearing the rushing river, fully believe you will be cared for completely, but you must submit absolutely to the guidance. The dao that can be named is not the eternal dao. In all of this, Geeth’n’Gow helps me profoundly, thank for your amazing light that you share with the world, I feel blessed to share with your radiant light.

Other connections with Geeth’n’Gow on the rite of passage

I deeply inhale the blossoms for 20 to 30 minutes, breath directly draws the expression of the outside world into the body, it becomes circulated systemically throughout the waterways of the body, it stays more in the superficial qi level and makes it’s contact here at the external aspect of self. It is intensely cleansing to the head and perception, to the wind-gate (would be great as a protection spray on the back of the neck). I feel it mostly along the spine, from the occiput to the heart, along the DU meridian, connecting to the third eye and facilitating strength and open perception while being protected in this openness. It is energizing, activating, clarity, euphoria, qi movement in the whole body, likely great for acute external pathogenic invasions, the common cold. And the flower essence instills all of these feelings, the more ethereal signature of the plant.

I spent many hours feeling the pulse of the inner bark, and I felt tapped into the entire root system. I scraped back a small section of the outer bark to reveal the inner bark (this is the part that is harvested for medicine, also where all fluid circulation of the being flows), and felt the pulse of the plant just as you would when taking a human’s pulse. I allowed myself to dissolve completely and found my entire consciousness concentrated purely at the meeting point of the fingertips and merged my sense of self with it, to allow whatever the experience of sharing consciousness with this being to be just as it is.

  • Tea — I found the tea very cleansing in nature, I had GI cramps and nausea personally, but afterwards it really helped clear out my digestive system to function much smoother, not particularly pleasant though.

  • Tincture — I found the tincture to be much more of pure light energy without any of these digestive sensations, just different uses for different needs.

  • Rose quartz — Trust and flow, teaches how to learn to open the solar plexus again and trust being in relationship with the world, how to be in the body, and ensure energy is flowing from below to above, no blockage in the center.

  • Labradorite — Connects to the heavens, communication device to the star beings, strongly opens the crown chakra.